Books Other Recommendations

The World Until Yesterday

The World Until Yesterday: What Can We Learn from Traditional Societies? by Jared Diamond Non-fiction from Terry Amazonian Indians, Inuit and other ancient societies have adapted and evolved for nearly 6 million years. Drawing conclusions from their traditional way of life, he explains how we can learn and solve universal human problems like elder care, […]

Books Other Recommendations


Zeitoun by Dave Eggers Non-fiction from Terry (Katrina – New Orleans) Zeitoun stays behind to watch over customers’ houses; travels by canoe, feeding animals & helping elderly. Then, police officers armed with M-16s arrest Zeitoun in his home.

Books Other Recommendations

Zinky Boys

Zinky Boys: Sovviet Voices from the Afghanistan War by Svetlana Alexievich Non-fiction suggested by Shirley Gaines Svetlana Alexievich won the Nobel Prize in Literature. She is Byelorussian. Her books are a mixture of memoir, current history from what she has witnessed in her sector of the world. I will try to find one I especially […]